Sunday, August 24, 2008

Baseline Scan

I had my baseline ultrasound on Friday. The nurse said all looked good. I didn't have any "left over follicles" from last cycle, and my lining measured 4mm. She said that was right on track.

I began the Femara this evening, and I will take it through Thursday. I go back for another ultrasound on September 3rd. We are hoping to see several mature follicles and a lining measuring 8-10mm.

I'm praying that Femara will do its job. I asked Jamie if he thought it would work on the first cycle. He said, "Knowing our luck, probably not." I'm glad he said it, because I was thinking it. Still, I am trying to have a positive attitude, because as Jamie loves to remind me - the mind controls the body.

I could use a lot of prayers, because at this point, being positive is not something that comes naturally for me.

Will update on the 3rd after the ultrasound.

1 comment:

K said...

I'll be thinking of you!